

We often get asked, what is the best way to get the best price for our home? Or what do I need to do in order to sell for the best price?

To make your home immediately appealing to buyers, you don’t need a full-blown makeover (or to spend lots of money).

The really important things to get right just take a little time, effort and the ability to start thinking about your house as a ‘commodity to be sold’.


The below checklist gives you some helpful guidance to making sure your house is ready to sell.



1. Have you cleaned deeply?


From top to bottom, inside and out. Then do your best to keep it clean and tidy until sold. Cleaning costs nothing but it makes a big difference to potential buyers when making their first impression.



2. De-Clutter


Get rid of your clutter and your house will look bigger.

It will feel to buyers like a tidy, well-ordered place to live- just what they want!



3. Fix anything broken


It’s really important to finish any DIY and catch up on routine maintenance. A well maintained house screams out that it’s ‘well cared for’ (a desirable attribute that buyers will pick-up on).

Buyers will mentally reduce the max offer they’d make on your house every time they see a problem that needs fixing.



4. Does the approach to your house have that ’curb’ appeal?


First impressions really do count and buyers are judging your home well before they step over the threshold. Your house may be stunning inside, but if the outside doesn’t look great you jeopardise your sale. Look at your property from the road? How does it compare to other houses in your street?

As you walk from the pavement to your front door, does every element of your property look cared for and well maintained?



5. Eliminate bad odours


The following all produce odours that are a major turn-off for buyers:

  •  Cooking
  •  Smoking
  •  Pets
  •  Damp
  •  Blocked drains
  •  Full bins

On the flip side of this coin, pleasant odours can enhance the appeal of your property.


Good choices of sent are:

  •  orange
  •  lemon
  •  jasmine
  •  cedar
  •  pine
  •  vanilla
  •  cinnamon

Finally, don’t forget to air your house often while it’s on the market.



6. Do the rooms look ‘photo’ ready?



When you get to the stage of putting your property on the market and the photographer is about to come over, check all of the rooms and make sure everything has there place. Bathrooms- towels neatly folded/ or put away. Kitchen- dishcloths, tea towels are all put away out of sight.



7. Garden cleared?


Is your garden looking tidy and the rubbish cleared? This makes a big difference to show off your gardens full potential. Anything that needs to go to the tip- get it gone!




How to avoid wasting money


 “ If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Instead… just present what you have, as well as you can”


In other words, unless a room or element (e.g. carpet) of your house is:

  •  Deeply unattractive
  •  In total disrepair
  •  Unsanitary

Don’t bother spending any money replacing it and if you do have to spend, don’t overspend.

Spend just enough to bring your whole house up to a reasonable (and consistent) standard (i.e. all the house looks good, not just a few rooms).



CONTACT US NOW for your FREE valuation and we can direct you on the above! 

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